I am on holiday between 18.-27.November 2022
Welcome to the Vital-Aku TCM Practise

Welcome to the Vital-Aku TCM Practice

Holiday: 16th March – 30th March 2025

Qualified naturopath in TCM
EMR quality label, ASCA recognition
Dear patient,
My name is Hui Steinmann-Huang, born in China, I’ve been living in Switzerland since 2001. For many years I worked as an interpreter in several TCM practices. This ancient Chinese medicine, which can help people without medication, began to inspire me more and more. In the spring of 2016 I started training as a TCM naturopath at the HPS Lucerne, where I received my diploma after 4 years. During the training I gained experience in several TCM practices in Switzerland. At the end of my studies, I deepened this with a five-week internship at a hospital in Kunming, China. I have been running my own practice in Rotkreuz since March 1, 2020.
I speak German, English and Chinese.

What is TCM?
Heal without side effects!
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic and very effective natural healing method that is around 3000 years old. It captures the whole person with their lifestyle and their natural and social environment.
A comprehensive diagnosis results in an individual therapy tailored to your state of health, which not only alleviates the acute symptoms, but also treats the cause of your illness. With the treatment methods of TCM we activate your self-healing powers and strengthen your immune system.
TCM is not only a chemical-free alternative to conventional medicine, but also the ideal supplement. Prevention is an elementary aspect of TCM to prevent diseases from developing in the first place.
Treatment methods

TCM Diagnosis
Traditionally, there are 4 diagnostic methods in Chinese medicine; questioning, viewing, evaluating, smell, sound and touch. From ancient times to today, pulse and tongue diagnosis is the first step. This is followed by additional questions about symptoms.
Information from the survey is very helpful. Among other things, the following are important: The history and beginning of the main complaint, other secondary symptoms as well as general questions about sleep, digestion, temperature behavior, sweating, appetite, menstruation, etc.
Since pain or discomfort are never viewed in isolation, but rather as a disturbance in the balance of Yin and Yang (which impairs or blocks the flow of Qi in meridians or organs) TCM speaks of disharmony or blockage patterns.
A correct TCM diagnosis is crucial for successful therapies.

The term “Qi” has an important meaning in ancient Chinese medicine. Everything comes from Qi, Qi is the life energy. Qi flows through the meridians and network vessels in the body and brings us life. If the flow of Qi is disturbed, we become ill. Pricking the thin needles at specific points can reach the target for regulation of qi flow, and thereby the healing effect results.

Ear acupuncture
Ear acupuncture involves stimulating acupuncture points on the ear using short acupuncture needles or other objects such as beads. Diseases can be treated or prevented in this way.

TuiNa Massage
The Tuina massage is a proven massage technique in Chinese medicine. But the Tuina massage is much more than a massage: it balances the benefits of acupressure and chiropractic. The name is made up of the various gripping techniques: “Tui” (pushing), “Na” (grabbing), “An” (pressing) and “Mo” (stroking). The Tuina massage is truly an art.

Cupping is the treatment of diseases by sucking the surface of the skin with the help of small vessels in which a vacuum (by burning an alcohol-soaked cotton swab) is created. The vessels can be made of bamboo or glass. They come in different sizes.
The therapeutic effect of treatment with cupping heads lies in the increased permeability of the tissue caused by the negative pressure. The blood-carrying capillaries of the tissue sucked in by the vacuum attract monocytes and macrophages. The lymph flow is also stimulated. In this way, metabolic residues that have led to tense muscles are removed.
The strength of the stimulus is controlled by the size of the cupping head.
During the cupping massage, a cupping head is placed on the back, which has previously been moistened with oil. Then the cupping head is slowly, but without stopping, pulled up to the LWS (lumbar spine); there carefully moved to the other side of the spine and back up to the shoulder area. Without lifting the cupping head, it is pushed back to the starting position and the process is repeated.

Moxibustion treats or prevents disease by applying heat to acupuncture points or specific parts of the body. The main material used is moxa wool in the form of rods or small cones.
Moxa herb, also known as moxa wool, is obtained from the dried leaves of Artemisia vulgaris (known to us as mugwort). The glowing herb has the property of heating the points to unblock the meridians and eliminate cold and wet. At the same time, the normal function of the organs is promoted.

Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a “scraping” (= Gua) connective tissue massage that is carried out with special tools (“scrapers”) and oils. It causes a reddening of the skin with small spots or lines of skin bleeding. The skin itself is irritated but not injured. The reddening of the skin subsides after 2-5 days. Either the back, arms, legs, muscles or meridians are treated.
It can be used in combination with acupuncture, cupping and other therapies to enhance the effect of promoting blood circulation and eliminating blood stasis and detoxification.

This is a complementary method to acupuncture. The effect of acupuncture needles is enhanced by low electrical current. Electroacupuncture can adjust the physiological functions of the human body, and has the functions of analgesic, sedation, promoting blood circulation and adjusting muscle tone. Clinically used in various pain syndromes, arthralgia syndrome and dysfunctions of the heart, stomach, intestines, bladder, uterus and other organs, as well as mania and injury diseases of muscles, ligaments and joints.

Healing massage
for babies & children
Pediatric massage is based on the overall concept of Chinese medicine, using the theory of the five elements yin and yang and the visceral meridian as theoretical guidance. Various techniques and grips are used to stimulate acupuncture points, make the meridian clear, improve Qi and blood circulation in order to regulate the function of the organs again.
Under the guidance of basic Chinese medicine theories, pediatric massage is widely used in children with diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion, anorexia, constipation, abdominal pain, anus prolapse, cold, cough, asthma, fever, enuresis, night crying, muscular torticollis, stiff neck and convulsions and has good effects.
The children’s massage is suitable for children from 0 to 14 years. There are only differences in massage techniques and effects for all ages. Children under the age of 6 achieve the best healing results, and the effects can usually be felt immediately. Children over 9 years old will work with adult massage techniques.
Pediatric massage is a pure green treatment method. Advantages are: no drugs, no needles, no side effects.

TCM Phytotherapy
TCM treatments are often supported by the use of Chinese medicinal herbs (phytotherapy). Every medicine, like an acupuncture point, has different effects on the body.
Through the appropriate combination of different substances, yin and yang can be balanced, congestion in the body eliminated, the mood calmed and pain reduced.
The TCM mixtures used consist mainly of herbal substances. A small part is obtained from animals or minerals. A prescription can be administered as a liquid, powder, tablets or tea.
for TCM
- Joint and tendon problems
- Headaches
- Nerve pain
- Spinal column syndromes: cervical, lumbar, disc damage
- Allergies
- Bronchial asthma
- Chronic bronchitis
- Hay fever
- Sinusitis (chronic sinusitis)
- Erectile dysfunction
- Ejaculation disorder
- Infertility
- Chronic cystitis
- Urinary incontinence
- Prostatitis
- Irritable bladder
- Chronic, frequently recurring colds
- Depression
- States of exhaustion
- Sudden hearing
- Paralysis
- Polyneuropathy
- Sleep disorders
- Stroke
- Dizziness, Meniere’s disease
- Tinnitus
- Restlessness
- Acute and chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa
- Chronic intestinal inflammation such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
- Functional gastrointestinal disorders
- Digestive disorders such as constipation and non-specific diarrhea
- Menstrual and menstrual cycle disorders
- Pregnancy problems
- Infertility
- Menopause-related disorders
- Allergic contact dermatitis
- Eczema
- Herpes simplex
- Itching
- Neurodermatitis
- Psoriasis
- Poorly healing wounds
- Alcohol cessation
- Smoking cessation
Before starting treatment, we recommend that you inquire with your health insurance company whether you are covered or whether cost sharing is possible (from additional insurance).
We bill you directly.
TCM anamnesis and diagnosis costs CHF 60.00, for approx. 30 minutes,with every additional 5 minutes costing CHF 10.00
Treatment costs CHF 150.00 per 60 minutes, with CHF 12.50 per additional 5 minutes
The first treatment with TCM anamnesis and TCM diagnosis takes about 90-120 minutes
TCM Arzneitherapy:
for the first recipe: Fr. 40.00
further recipes: Fr. 20.00 per recipe
Healing massage for babies Fr. 75.00 for 30min.

Contact & Directions
Thank you for your interest in my services.
The best way to reach me is by phone, SMS, WhatApp or email.
Tel. 079 513 22 47

How to find the practice:
From Rotkreuz train station, take the north exit, turn left, to the 1. building, on the left side.
Poststrasse 1
CH-6343 Rotkreuz
Inside Hotel Bauernhof, 1. Floor
Parking possibilities:
Parking garage Chäsimatt, Fr. 0.50 / 2 hours, see picture
Or along the Alte Chamerstrasse, Blue Zone
Or along the road to the station, parking spots (for 1.5h free)